Post #2: My Use of Communication Apps

Growing up in a technology-based society I have engaged in communicating with others through apps on my phone more than in person. Today most people rely on communicating with others through apps because it is an instant, faster, and more convenient way to communicate. I have used apps such as Voxer, HelloTalk, Marco Polo, and ClassDojo to communicate with others. Permission by Voxer is an app that I access on my phone to communicate with friends and coworkers. Voxer is an app that works like a walkie talkie. It gives me the opportunity to communicate through voice audio, as well as, sending messages, photos, and links. To use this app effectively, I search for my friend or coworker's Voxer account name to start a conversation with them either through messaging them or sending them a voice audio by holding down the orange button located on the bottom middle of the screen to communicate with them directly as if I was using a walkie talkie to communicate with them. I enjoy thi...