Blog Post #4: Interactive Whiteboard Technology in the Classroom

Technology integration in current classrooms has significantly increased over the past few years, including interactive whiteboards. Technology is constantly evolving in our daily lives, as well as, in our classrooms. This is apparent in the interactive whiteboards. There are many different models and upgrades of the interactive whiteboards in hopes to make them more accessible, easier for students and teachers to use, and programs/software that help engage students, such as the SMART notebook software. Permission by From elementary school to high school I experienced the transition from overhead projectors, Promethean boards , and eventually SMART boards. From kindergarten until fourth or fifth grade, I can vividly remember my teachers using the overhead projectors to teach. They often had the worksheet or lesson that we were doing on a projector sheet that allowed them to project the picture of worksheet or lesson we were discussing, as well as, to write annotations and ...